ATTENTION: Usage Survey 1 Participants NEEDED

Many of you already know that I am taking grammar classes, but if you hadn't heard, now you know. In order for me to complete one of my lessons, I need to get five (5) participants to complete a usage survey.

So, if you don't mind, the first five lucky readers who seize the day get to help me with my homework. Lucky is the word, right?

The instructions are simple. Just go to the six polls found in the right hand side column of the blog and answer all six questions in order of succession. Your answers need to be what you actually say. And DO NOT peek at other people's answers. Just put what you say. Then, after you take the polls, please come back here to the comments section and let me know what part of the world you are from. You do not need to give specific city name if you don't want to. I am only looking for regions.

As soon as I get five participants, I will take down the polls.


  1. I am from all over the USA. From Oregon to Northern CA to Illinois to Kansas to Wisconsin to Utah to Southern CA to Colorado and back to Utah.


Tell us your thoughts...