be disconsolate no more

As I carefully read your tear-streaked words
Placing my own words imperceptibly between each one
I see your troubled, broken heart, setting it next to mine
With all the smashed like shattered glass dreams
And the tormented nightmares that come
With every inevitable close of day
Weaved within all waking moments
Creating a twisted, unhealing injury.

Harrowing slivers of hope salted
Throughout every unassuming friendship
And the wistful dream of a love that might never be
Come to me as I spin a melancholy string
Of words that I hope you'll read
In the hope that I might delicately contradict a few
Of your disconsolate tears which you hide behind your mask
A few of your dreams gone wrong which you attempt to pretend away
And even that I might entertain the possibility of showing you
How a true and treasured friend shall always be found in me.

Because I have been where you are right now
Because right now I am where you've been
I can say with pure sincerity that I feel your words
I hear you more deeply than you would like for me to perceive
Your heart cannot hide, yet it is safe in my hands
And you need not be afraid, but may practice being safe
For I have not machinations nor desires to make claim
On anything other than your precious trust; Your caring confidante I'll be. 

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