Family: It's what's for dinner

I don't know about you, but for me, there seems to be dual realities all around us. A major one is family.

You might have that amazing handful of aunts and uncles, some cousins who are like siblings to you, siblings who are like your friends. But then--you also might have an unavoidable and quite perplexing portion of family members who are little crap starters, seem to be irritated by you no matter which way you turn, and even some with whom you never know where you stand because you can't tell if they love you or hate you for all their passive-aggressive, non-committal, wishy washy, flaky jakeness.

Some days, you're being served up smiles all around, so life is beautiful. On others, you realize that maybe things aren't as good as they seem on the surface, making for a metaphorical Hunger Games of sorts where nobody wins. 

To the latter sort found within of all our families, I dedicate this thought for the day.

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