The Watermelon Song

As a child, I was only sent away to summer camp once--between fourth and fifth grades. It was Girl Scout camp, and I was a Brownie. I recall being excited to go; I sold cookies and my mom handed over a check at the Girl Scout office when she signed me up. The first night was tough. I cried and wished I were at home, but then I awoke the next day ready for fun. The days were filled with knots and stories and hikes. My favorite hike was when we had to get up around 4 a.m. in order to get to the ridge before the sun came up so we could watch dawn arrive. It was magnificent to my young eyes. On the last night, we had a big bonfire and the leaders asked if anyone knew any campfire songs that we hadn't sung yet, and if so, would we teach it to everyone. Being one of the youngest campers, no one expected me to contribute, but for some reason I felt compelled to do so. I raised my hand, went to the top where the leaders were located and taught the entire Girl Scout camp the Watermelon song which my mother taught me from a young age while driving in cars and on our family camping trips. It was fantastic to hear everyone singing a song I had taught them! I will never forget it as long as I live.

lyrics for "The Watermelon Song"

Oh, plant a watermelon right upon my grave.
That's all I ask of you. 

Chicken and dumplings are might fine, 
but I'll take a watermelon any old time.
So, plant a watermelon right upon my grave,
and let the juice (slurp through teeth twice) drip through.

If you like, repeat while increasing tempo each time through until unintelligible.

*If you want to hear a rendition of The Watermelon Song, you can now watch it on my Instagram account: @th_purpl_lady


  1. What a moment...and what a song! All sorts of interesting images are now floating through my brain...

  2. I love those lyrics...I love my camp memories too. I want to hear the music that goes with this song. I wonder if I could hear it on i-tunes. I love the oldies but goodies. xo

    1. I did a recording on Instagram video if you want to hear how it goes. I'm @th_purpl_lady

  3. Racist ass song lol. Created as a part of a minstrel show like damn


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