Longing for Home: Delightful!

Longing for Home: A Proper Romance Longing for Home: A Proper Romance by Sarah M. Eden

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Longing for Home, by Sarah M. Eden, begins out on a trail that takes the Ireland-born Katie Macauley to the small town of Hope Springs, Wyoming to figure out what home really means. I, too, was carried along for the ride in more ways than one.

The concept of what home is has been something I've thought about quite often, and so this beautiful Irish-threaded story struck a harmonious chord for me. The elegant stitching of Irish dialect and 1800s American colloquialisms creates a language delight that transports you into the story's world. Because of her apparent Irish flair, I wanted to get to know Katie better and see where her efforts would take her, and Eden does not disappoint. Excellent character development, intriguing plot twists, and delicious foreshadowing make for a page-turner novel you won't want to put down.

One of my favorite quotes from Longing for Home:

"When a man finds such a treasure, he doesn't part with her for anything."
     -- Tavish O'Connor, talking about his horse.

I know this is jumping the gun a bit since the giveaway on my blog doesn't start until August 6th, but I just couldn't hold in the excitement from reading this refreshingly romantic tale.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. I am so pleased you enjoyed the book. Thanks for the review.


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