on a whim and a prayer

I haven't felt whimsical in the least lately, but today is different because yesterday was different, and now I'm ready to share something that I love just for because.

You might have already heard this one, but whatever. I really love the song "Brave" by Sara Bareilles and what she has to say is something I want everyone within my reach to hear. The message of the song itself is powerful and empowering, and I love the music video even more so because it is peppered with Bareilles's signature whimsy and delight.

Next week, I embark on my last full school year of classes with full time credits and four kids, being a single mom taking dance classes with people 10-15 years younger than I, and having no end in sight to my marital woes. This said, I have declared this my fight song. I want to see myself be brave through it all, and even though I might need you to remind me some days, I know I can do it.  And I'm going to strive to do it with a smile.

I hope you will listen to it, for the first time or listen to it anew, with my wish for you to be brave along with me as we continue on this adventure.

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