The Luckiest: a good read

Day Five of the Third Annual Half-Birthday Bash is brought to by the generosity of the author of the fledgling blog, The Luckiest. Shannon came on board the half-birthday boat last year, before she had a blog to link to, before she was able to get the courage up to write her words for ALL to see. And now, she needs you to go discover her well-kept secret of a blog waiting to be read by many. She writes about home and family, baking, writing, and whatever else suits her fancy. Head on over and take a peek.

In celebration of this purple blog making it into its toddler stages, Shannon has offered a location-specific prize, for the LAS VEGAS METROPOLITAN AREA ONLY, of two dozen of the best pumpkin cookies ever.

Please enter for your chance to win, and don't forget to hop over to her blogsite

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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