the ticking of the clock

He talks back for the thousandth time, but it gets ignored (this time) because it's just not worth it right now. The clock's ticking by like it's racing against itself, and next thing he knows, there is no time left. The mad dash for socks and shoes pushes him into impatience and frustration. There is no time left for wasting. Hair, his hair, is a wild mess, and, remembering the day before, he asks for help in a gentlemanly manner to ensure help will happen. Socks! Still can't find socks. Well, he can find some, but not the ones he wants. The long socks are flung at him because the time has passed for leaving.

And then, he's ready. He leaves, walking briskly to the bus as she waves goodbye from the porch. Realizing these days as well as the better ones are numbered, she must treasure even these. Because the clock is ticking, there's no time left for wasting.


  1. Time is precious...glad you saw it.

    1. It was a surreal moment as I hadn't even finished waving goodbye. I was almost in tears.

  2. Ah, school day mornings. Mine are very much as you describe though we usually have no trouble with socks; homework is the bane of one's existence ("I did it, I just can't find it!") and the elusive right outfit the torment of the other ("Does this look OK? I think I'm going to change.")

    Cherishing (though not always enjoying) every passing minute.

    1. Cherishing vs. enjoying is a thought provoking topic. I might blog about that.

  3. Okay, so after reading your blog post and then checking out Pinterest...found this and thought of you...and while you may not aim to make them, they are pretty to look at.

    1. I love it! Next time, tag me on Pinterest. It would be easier for both of us. Thank you.

  4. You have captured the POWER of time ticking! What a wonderful post!

    1. Thank you, Anita! I really appreciate you thinking it is good.

  5. What a thought...there is no time left for wasting. Profound really.

    1. It hit me like a ton of bricks, and I am changed by it. I'm glad you enjoyed the read.

  6. That was a very sockscessful overture to time


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