Third Annual Half-Birthday Bash

September marks the half-birthday for All Things Purple. I can't tell you how quickly the past 2 1/2 years have flown by. It is astonishing. What is most surprising to me is how far I've been able to take my purple whims and a few words.

In honor of this occasion, I will divulge some funtastic stats for your reading pleasure. Be impressed--or not--I know I am. I never thought I would get as far as I have in so short a time without buying my way in (otherwise known as selling out, in my opinion). In all reality, I know the numbers aren't what most people call impressive, but I want to acknowledge each and every single one because each and every person who supports me in this creative adventure makes me feel like I can keep reaching for more.

Twitter Followers @th_purpl_lady 1329 @purplebyline 278

Facebook Fan Page Likes 683

Pinterest Followers 237

Instagram Followers 172

Google Friend Connect Followers 134

Total Page Views as of publication 76,104

So now to the really excellent part of this half-birthday adventure--the celebratory giveaways!

Day 1: (1) copy of Blackmoore, by Julianne Donaldson
Day 2: (1) copy of The Inventor's Secret, by Chad Morris
Day 3: (1) Amethyst healing crystal, courtesy of a dear friend, Kat
Day 4: (1) dozen gourmet cupcakes, courtesy of Silver Spoon Catering (Northern Utah ONLY)
Day 5: (2) dozen The Best Pumpkin Cookies ever, courtesy of The Luckiest blog (Las Vegas Metropolitan area ONLY)
Day 6: (1) copy of Drawing Out the Dragons, by James A. Owen
Day 7: (1) boxed set of The Janitors series (including the newest addition, Curse of the Broomstaff), by Tyler Whitesides

I feel so blessed to have so many great gifts to send your way. Keep a watch for when the blogs hit the "stands", and enter, comment, share, and most of all, know that I am grateful that you are here in this online community of loving support, with me.


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