on autumn and sweaters

With the weather turning chilly, I get out my sweaters and blankets and the longing for someone to hold me. The sun sets early and takes with it its warming embrace, forcing me to acknowledge the lack of loving touch in my life. There is nothing quite so lonely as the mid night hours when snuggled underneath the covers, and no one else is there to hold onto. 

I've always said that sweater weather is my favorite time of year. It matters not if it is chilly autumn evenings in the hills and mountains, winter any time with snow laying on the ground, spring mornings as the sun begins to dare to shine, or the summer nights along the central coasts' beaches I grew to love as a teenager. Sweater weather comes and goes no matter the season and that is what I like best about it. 

Sweaters are a shirt that hugs you. Maybe that's why I like them, too. You can be all by yourself and still have warming pressure wrapped snugly around your arms and back. You can embrace warmth.

Hug, anyone?

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