Getting back in the saddle

I'm telling you, this whole single-parent-nontraditional-student-freelance-editor-creative-writer-self-motivated-awesome-person thing is really getting to me. I actually let myself get pretty down hearted over the past several days. But, I woke up to a fresh day with fresh words whispered into my heart and mind, and I think I am going to set all that grey aside. It's certainly worth giving it a go. And I'm pretty good at going once I get going. If that makes any sense.

So—when does one take a break? Seriously. I'm pretty sure me neglecting my blog over the past week or so counts as a vacation in writer land. I just haven't had a break on any other level.

I keep catching myself wishing for a roadie to Texas or Disneyland. Laundry piles remind me of hikes in the mountains, which leads to cabins and campfires and tin foil dinners. Homework takes me to places like Las Vegas, Italy, Scotland, and some little bed and breakfast in Tennessee (I've been researching for some articles I might write). Day dreaming about seeing places I've been wanting to see but not having a way to actually go is driving me up the wall. I would just about give my right pinky toe to meet a certain person I've become pen pals with. I can't tell you how many times I catch myself plotting that adventure (I really can't tell you—they might read this and think I'm off my rocker).

You might be wondering what is the point of all this rambling. I will tell you. My point is that I want to get to writing again and this is what you get.

No one ever said that getting back in the saddle had to make any sense. 


  1. Keep up the hard work, it will all be worth it in the end!

  2. Keep dreaming...

    1. Dreaming seems to be life's breath for me, so I catch myself even when it hurts. Thanks for the vote of encouragement.

  3. I've been reading and listening to lots of Buddhist stuff that my yoga teacher thinks would be good for me. Turns out she's right--how she's so wise at barely 30 is a mystery that I greatly appreciate. Anyway, the latest stuff included encouraging one to be kind to oneself. We always promote kindness to others, to strangers, to our family...but what about ourselves? Hopefully you've found a way to forgive yourself for this understandable busy-ness, then plunge ahead with the writing and dreaming. They are the same, I think.

    1. I really appreciate you taking time to lay this all out. I needed to hear it. Thank you!

  4. I agree with Book Mama's yogi" be kind to yourself! It's so true that most of us expect MORE from ourselves than from others!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are certainly wearing a LOT of hats! Not all of them can get the same amount of your energy every day!

    1. I appreciate you taking time to stop by, Anita! And for the encouragement.

  5. Set the grey aside and saddle up!


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