SOLSC 2014: Hoping for Calm

I wrote a bunch of stuff, going on about how my heart and mind are doing, but then I repented the notion and I erased it all. 

There's no one with whom I can or should share all of this. This mountain of dashed hopes is only good for making others uncomfortable or feel guilty. And neither one of those are things I want to do to you, my friends and readers. 

So, I will tell you that knowing someone is reading this keeps me going. Right here, this blog, is the spot of calm I've created for myself and you are part of it. Thank you. 


  1. Enjoy the moment of calm. Sometimes just the process of putting words down brings perspective.

  2. My heart breaks for your heartache this morning - yet I understand. I have not posted about the great heartache in my life this week either - yet it is there - too - woven in the words of posts about the events and people I encounter. I hope you know that there are others out her in cyberspace - like me - who care about you....even the thoughts and parts of your world that are too raw to share right now. In theory, someday, as you know, it will help to write about them.....but no pun intended....the moment has to be right! Thinking of you and praying you find the calm you need.

    1. Thank you for so many comforting words. I hope you find solace for whatever it is you're going through, too. I'm grateful for the friendship we've been able to cultivate through the slicing community. Hugs!


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