SOLSC 2014: Itchy

Allergies seriously cramp my style. I used to get an itchy spot on my foot or face or anywhere and not think anything of it. I used to be able to rub my eyes when they'd get itchy without a thought to it. But then all at once, those little itches turned into hints that anaphylactic shock was on its way. So, now I can't let any little itch go without checking and watching and trying to remember when in the world was the last time I took an antihistamine. I could be overly paranoid; however, being instructed by the doctor (after the third occurrence) that it is extremely life threatening and I need to be more aware and take care, I just don't think there is any way to be overly cautious. It's simply keeping myself alive. 

And all this was typed as I keep watch over (and try not to scratch the top layer of skin off) the red, itchy patches on my feet that flared up when I sat down to write. 

Never a dull moment around here. 


  1. Yes, I am glad you are not just "loving on" and "scratching" those "purple" spots that appear. Take care of yourself!

    1. Haha! The quotation marks added to the imagery so well! I am cracking up!

  2. Oh I connect to this post. Been in A-shock several times myself and once you experience it, there is a great need to be hyper-sensitive about it. Those who have not experienced do not always understand. Keep yourself well:) In my case it is multiple allergies converging to make a big one.

    1. I can't stand it. I'm glad to find someone who understands! It drives me crazy to be so hyper-vigilant, but there isn't any other choice really.

  3. Sounds like you need some essential oils, girlfriend. Eeks. Hope the itching stops soon. No fun!


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