counting down

Whispers from your precious heart
Find me in the dark of night
Waking me from peaceful rest
Awakening hope that would hurt
If I didn't know how it's all a gift

Lifting my soul from that abyss
Of broken dreams and hopeless days
Into a perfect mess of flaws and joy
Insecurity erased and resurrected

Flutters of the heart
Eternal butterflies
That won't depart

Time tells this story.
Choices write every word.

Words pave our path to action.


  1. Very thought provoking...will go back and read it again, as it seems to call me to do. I love
    "Flutters of the heart
    Eternal butterflies
    That won't depart"

  2. This is lovely and somewhat mysterious. I imagine that different readers could have different take-aways. I enjoyed the rhythm of it, and, I, too, love the "Flutters of the heart..." section. Thanks for sharing!

  3. "Word pave our path to actions"
    Words are more powerful than we often realize, both those spoken out loud and those in our heads.

  4. "Words pave our path." This is so true. Our spoken words can do so much to make or break a soul. Our written words have the power to impact forever - even for those who will never know the sound of our voices....wonderful

  5. Words do pave our path - wonderful poem!

  6. Awakening hope that would hurt. Curious words. Curious words.

  7. Your poem is very thought provoking. I'm thinking you are looking forward to spending time with someone you haven't seen in awhile.

  8. What a haunting poem! Perfect for World Poetry Day


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