ready for battle

Not sure what to say right now. I got a massage after school, and I am downright relaxed. I have about a hundred or more papers to grade, but I needed to recharge. And it worked. My mind keeps wanting to drift to the same old stress, but I'm not letting it. Taking care of our bodies oftentimes helps us take care of our minds as well. I am mentally strengthened by the peace my body is enjoying. And right now it feels perfectly wonderful to let go of the worry and just relax.

Now if I can get all that grading done that's piled up before I want to bang my head against the wall, that will be the real miracle. 


  1. A massage sounds amazing. I've never had a professional one. Good luck with that grading.

  2. What a great idea. I have a gift certificate for a massage, and a whole slew of report cards to complete. Maybe I should get a massage.... Good luck with your grading!


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