nestled in

People do things that make an impact on us as individuals and as a collective whole every day. I believe that the things others don't do can make a difference in our lives as well—things like not turning their backs when things get difficult, not letting love fade into oblivion, and (one thing out of our control) not dying.

I was reading a slice of life the other day about a Close Call, and it touched me to my core. I openly discuss how much I miss my parents, but I want to make sure the world knows that the living are my heart's priority.

My life has so much. I have so much. My family circle has several layers. My children are generally happy and healthy. I have friends—scads of them. With so many wonderful people to love, it can be a challenge to stay connected, yet making sure that everyone knows I care is something that I attempt to do. Putting off things such as telling someone thank you, giving a hug, or taking time to talk and share a moment you'll never get back makes for a whole lot of missing treasure. When you wait, you chance never having the opportunity to open the door to the stuff that counts.

One of the treasures I want to specifically acknowledge is how each day I have the privilege of caring for my children and watching them grow up. Even on the worst of days, I would not trade the honor that it is for anything.

Treasuring life does have its cost. I will admit to experiencing a heavy load of heartache as I examine my wish to live so deeply in life's moments. I recognize that not everyone wants to be this way, and sometimes I feel quite solitary for it. Yet whenever bittersweetness encroaches, I listen for the newness and hope of loving gratitude nestled in my heart, and what I witness is exquisite. Even with emotional cost at a high, I will continue to love with all I have because I simply will not forgive myself if I miss even one chance to love a little more. In turn, I don't want to miss not a single moment when love is shared or returned.

I don't want to miss any of it.

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