how I see heaven

I just wish I could spend a day
With every member of my family,
Children, brothers, cousins,
Aunts, uncles, grandparents,
And then spend another
With all my friends I've ever had
Where love was never lost just forgotten
Or separated by situation.
Another day would be spent
With loved ones who have gone before,
To reconnect, to join in sweet embrace.
Then, I'd have a day with everyone
And all their circles of family and friends
Where we spend the rest of our existence
Getting to the heart of each soul
Loving each other past misunderstanding or conflict.
And in the midst of these everlasting days,
Someone would see me—really see me—
And take my hand and never let go.


  1. Laura (Purple Lady),

    I have been reading your poetry on your blog for a few months now, and I honestly don't think you
    know how good you are in conveying thoughts, ideas and emotions to your followers and fans.

    At times your emotive writing skills are so raw, they create tiny tendrils of angst and pain that
    envelop us and wont let go. You write from a depth of spiritual knowledge and worldliness that is hopefully both
    wise and spoken from experience, or else your writings would fall flat if not spoken from your heart.

    What I find intriguing and somewhat amazing is your willingness to put pen to paper on all facets of your life, not
    just a slice of your existence here and there, but rather a thorough examination of all that is you. It is refreshing and
    at times almost too much for us to take in, however the narrative is compelling and complete.

    I can only surmise you have had enough heartache and pain to last a lifetime, however I hope (as your fan base
    does as well) that when you write about these feelings, your expressive writings are cathartic and endearing
    and somehow lessen the burden of your daily existence. It is imperative we continue to read your outstanding
    writings and to support you by commenting and understanding where it is all coming from.

    I wish you well Purple Lady ... and keep writing .......

  2. I don't know how I could have missed such an inspiring and humbling comment. Thank you, whoever you are.


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