crazy with a side of gratitude

It's been a crazy October. Like, I don't even know how I got to the week of Halloween alive. For real.

Between a child in a competitive high school marching band, another in beginning middle school band, one learning how to be a responsible fourth grader, and yet one more child with literal special needs turning nineteen, I think I should get a pass on November.

And I didn't even go into their fine details nor my amazing challenges as a first year teacher.

It's all quite unfathomable. I can't even try. What I can do is attempt to slow down enough to remember how the month started, pay notice of all I accomplished, and allow myself some tears of gratitude and relief. Some days pushed me to the brink of sanity. I didn't know what to do to make it out of the troubles in a good way, but here we are. And everyone is alive.

I'm looking forward to November and participating in a #30DaysOfGratitude challenge I'm hosting here. Taking time to reflect on my blessings will do me a world of good. Maybe I created my own pass for November by challenging myself to do this. I always come away from writing challenges with a sense of accomplishment and more friends in my pocket.

See you in November!


  1. You sure have had one busy October. I really admire that your answer is hosting 30 Days of Gratitude in November. I will try to participate.

  2. It's hard to imagine that you did make it through to the end of October. My grandson is in a competitive marching band & I know how busy he & his parents are (just one!). Best wishes for November!

  3. I'm nervous about my first year of teaching -- I can't imagine going through that AND having four kids! You do deserve a pass for November.


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