
I'm thankful today and everyday for my grandparents. I didn't get to know my father's parents, but I'm thankful for the rich heritage I was given by his father and the example of a strong, determined Christian woman set by his mother. I've grown up knowing my mother's parents, and they are still alive. It's strange for my children to know their great-grandparents and not their grandparents, but we are just glad to have them around still. I love them so very much. My grandma is a selfless, fun-loving woman who teaches me how to love with her unassuming way. My grandpa is someone who is reserved, but once he gets talking, he tells you the most amazing stories. He has lived life with a quiet zest that I can only hope to imitate. 

1 comment:

  1. My parents' parents were elderly when I was born, so they have long since passed. I am lucky to have grandparents-in-law. I know the special feeling you speak of. It's amazing to have these people in our lives.


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