stretch the time

I just got back from an amazing Thanksgiving vacation with my children and one of my brothers. But like all well deserved vacations, they end too quickly while it's also good to be home.

The time flew by at lightning speed as we visited friends and family. Some stops were filled with pure love and welcoming arms, yet others felt like an imposition. It all seemed to slip through my fingers in equal measure though. I savored every moment moving around plans to stretch the time together, and even still the clock was always in charge of when to say goodbye.

I think that's the hardest part too—having to say goodbye. It's a necessity that hurts. The only way to fix that one is to move, but then there are others to say goodbye to, so I guess time will help things in its way. Somehow it all will sort out. Someday there won't be so many goodbyes.

When all is said and done, I am happy to be home but not happy to be missing part of my heart again.


  1. Even when you adjust to them not being around any more, you are kind of mad that you adjusted-right? I do love seeing everyone who I am connected to in longer term ways, but I also love my life. It's a bit of a catch 22. In some other life, I'll get both at the same time.

    1. I believe that eternity is the only time/place big enough to get enough of everyone we love.

  2. Ack- this time of year is hard to be apart from loved ones, I know. Goodbyes are often hard, but memories help!

    1. Memories do help! Thank you for that reminder. <3

  3. Glad you did get to go to visit and had some good times. I've lived away from my extended family for a long time, and the feelings of sad goodbyes just don't stop. We are fortunate that we get to visit often, but it's still not like being down the block or across town, I know.

    1. Sad goodbyes. Such hard thing. I'm glad you stopped by. Thank you!


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