my song and dance

I am my own song singing
Loud and long and without relief
No one to accompany and play along
With me to give it depth and shine

I am my own light shining
Bright and clear and without a mirror
No one to take time to reflect
With me to provide assurance

I am my own partner dancing
Strong and going hard without a check
No one to push back a little
With to offer guidance and direction

Singing with a light in my eyes
As I dance the whole floor by myself
I continue on with arms outstretched
All the day long longing for support

Independent and persevering
Through the dark, long winter's night


  1. I love your poem! Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us! :)

  2. I love your poem! Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us! :)

  3. I went back reading more of your poetry. You have power in your words. Thoughts, images and feelings play beautifully together.


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