more change

Right when I begin to truly love what I do and feel like I am capable, something changes. I shouldn't be surprised; really, I should have expected it with all my talk about expecting to be surprised.

So anyway. I'll get to the point. I have been teaching for a year and a half at a private school, and was recently offered a social media director position with the school, which means I won't be teaching English for the foreseeable future. And the movie quote depicted above was the first thing that came to mind when I was making the decision to take the opportunity.

And yet the situation sort of hit me like a bomb at first, so if you are all astonished too, I wouldn't blame you.

Being a social media director is pretty much one of my dream jobs, so if we look at things in the accurate way, that means I will have had two of my dream jobs all within less than two years of graduation. That feels like record time if you ask me.

All of that said, the thing that keeps pinching at me is the rate of active change that has been affecting my life. I can hardly catch my breath from the pace. Some has been negative, but most of what comes my way has been very positive change.

Regardless of the positive or negative nature of the changes, it is still tough to be adjusting all the time. I am in a constant state of flux with no way to plan for the future. My children won't stop growing up too. Just dealing with that aspect of life is a garbage load of change every time I turn around. And there's this thing where I am single. That sort of clinches the deal on not knowing whatsoever what life will bring me. I'm a planner type. Or at least I used to be! That part of myself had to mostly die awhile back.

Well, I guess I could work on planning to be surprised like I went on about with my students a couple of weeks ago after I got this news. This fantastic, amazing, terrifyingly wonderful news.

I'd like to end with telling you how thankful I am to be valued enough to be offered such an excellent opportunity. Even if it means more change.


  1. God luck in your new position...I like the notion of planning to be surprised!

  2. Your closure says it all: valued enough to be offered the opportunity. Fabulously lucky you are! Ch-ch-change is good. Sometimes, when it is within a very close period of time, it becomes overwhelming. But you know when it's right. Best. maribeth batcho

  3. Congratulations! Changes are never simple, but life would be so boring without them.

  4. Congratulations! Sounds like you are in high demand. Best of luck!

  5. Congratulations! Sounds like you are in high demand. Best of luck!

  6. Well! You've certainly captured the crazy-making part of change. You'll get your breath. I'd rather have healthy change than boredom...
    You must love learning because you set yourself up for a heap of it. :-)

  7. Congrats! Enjoy your new position. I'm sure you will.

  8. This is wonderful news! Planned to be surprised sounds like a gratitude statement. Best of luck.


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