
Come closer, darling, you. 
This heart can't rest until you do. 
Each passing day, even by the hour, 
She survives again and again
Without fail, without you. 
You are not needed to merely make it, 
Yet you are wanted—
Wanted for your love,
Wanted for your differences,
Wanted for the way that you are,
Wanted for the ways that you are not.

Come near, sweet, you. 
This life holds less savor
Without the brightness you bring.
She is warmed every day
With the fire within her heart, 
But sunshine never looked so good
As when reflected off your countenance—
Your kind smile,
Your humble stance,
Your knowing eyes,
Your way of seeing to her heart. 

Set aside the worry and the world, 
And come be with me, my friend and confidante. 


  1. Simply sublime. You have transfixed my soul and allowed the divine to pour through.

    1. Thank you for such a strong compliment. I appreciate it very much.


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