
Having the ability to exercise is a big gift. Not everyone can, and it helps bring so much strength to our bodies and minds. I really get into a funk when I slack off on my exercise routine. There's a mental slump as well as a physical energy slump. It's just something we need to feel good, I guess. 

There are a few favorite ways of getting exercise for me. The first is most definitely dancing. When I go out dancing, I dance hard. I get sweaty and have so much fun. At times, I wonder if it's unattractive to dance the way I do, but then I stop myself because I just really don't care if it is or not. I love to dance, and anyone truly interested will not be warded off by a sweaty red face. 

Most of the other ways I love to exercise are sports. When thinking about it, dance is a type of sport considering the competitions. So anyway. Skiing, volleyball, softball, basketball, golf, tennis, swim, and bowling are my favorites. I haven't played some of these for a long while, but I still would if I had the chance. Some might say bowling isn't really a sport, but if you know how to play and play hard, it really gives you a decent stretch. 

There are fun things like indoor cycling that I've found enjoyable to a degree, but that's a class, not a sport. Maybe I like competition mixed in with my exercise to keep me motivated? That's got to be it. 

I am grateful for all the opportunities I've had in recent years to learn and try and love so many sports.  The fun I have while strengthening myself in body and mind invigorates me and helps me find joy in life. I am so thankful for this beautiful life I have been given to keep trying new things to take care of and improve myself. 

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