a few more days

If I hadn't written every day, I would tell you I didn't know where March went. It has flown by even with the daily task of writing these slices feeling like a big challenge. I mean, there are only four more slices, and then it's over. Crazy stuff.

I am proud of most of the slices I wrote. Because of all of the writers I've been reading, I have felt more inspired than I have in a long time, and that made all the difference. I do wish I hadn't had that day when I forgot to write and had to post-date the thing, so I could mark the events that caused me to run out of time. But overall, I am pleased with my work. But there's more to consider.

After Slice of Life is over, April arrives with National Poetry Month. That has been just as much cause for concern as these slices—if not more. Poetry must be inspired for it to do its work and to be simply decent to read! I do not want any of you faithful readers to want to poke your eyes out!

Since I haven't blogged any real poetry in several months now, I decided to begin jotting down draft work. Every time I get even a pinch of inspiration or sentimentality, etc., I stop and write as much as I can. I don't necessarily have the whole idea down, but fragments are better than nothing, and I can always develop the ideas. Another thing about this is I don't have ANY photos set aside as inspiration, and I typically use photos to support my poetic notions. I just can't seem to allow myself that luxury (I did break out of my photographic famine a few times during this slice fest, so that felt like real progress.). But who knows how it will pan out with poetry I haven't even figured out how to accept and set free for public scrutiny.

So many thoughts. When all is said and done, these things I've discussed are small potatoes. So small. However, they are important to me as I try to develop my talents and live artistically.

Here's to the few days left of this slicing party and moving onto bigger things such as writing poetry and end of the school year stress! Oh yeah!


  1. Congratulations to you (and to me, too!) on nearly completing the challenge. I don't think I could write a poem a day--I'm just not poetically inclined...though I've thoroughly enjoyed a few middle grade novels written in verse that have made me appreciate how stories can be told through poems (when told by creative, capable authors!). Good luck on these final days and I love how you already jot down anything and everything that comes to your mind for next month.

  2. I look forward to reading the poetry you post.


  3. I cannot believe the volume of your workload and the way that you are able to keep up with this blog in spite of all that. You are amazingly ambitious to do poetry month right after this. If you get stuck- there are always haikus. ;)

    My slice: http://joolimammoth.blogspot.com/2017/03/poseur.html#more

  4. You need photographic inspiration!

  5. Your commitment is inspiring. I used to be a person who followed through on commitments, but lately it seems I'm dropping the ball all over the place. So I'm committing to less and less until I can figure out how to truly focus on the things that matter for me and get my life situated so that can be possible.


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