grilled cheese

The days just melt into each other sometimes like grilled cheese sandwiches. The gentle hum of routine keeping that griddle hot but not too hot. The butter on life's bread slowly toasting into a golden crisp as the center goes through a chemical change from plain cheese to liquid joy, and it all melts in your mouth from first to last bite. Life is fluid and messy, yet it can be deliciously delightful.

Grilled cheese kinds of days are the goal. I wonder how often we savor the comforts we enjoy. I wonder how often we simply partake without thinking.

I wonder how often I can't even see when grilled cheese is right in front of me set on a plate waiting for me to take a bite.


  1. Great metaphor. Plus, grilled cheese is my favorite <3

    1. I'm pretty sure I was hungry when I wrote this! haha

  2. Sliced!

  3. I'm low-carbing it right now and that just sounds so amazing. Day 2 done! ☺

  4. Great piece of writing, I really enjoyed it.. and now I will be making myself a grilled cheese sandwich


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