
It's been almost a year ago since I started playing volleyball again, and I have to say it has changed me so much.

I began contemplating going for probably a year—or longer—before I finally broke down and checked out the scene. I knew I wanted to start. I also knew I hadn't played in like 20 years or longer. That's not the best math, but once I decided to get out there, I also decided that I wasn't going to let my lack of practice and skill keep me from enjoying myself and making friends.

Arriving late in jeans with hair and makeup done, I walked into a room with two full games going, witnessing their sportswear as proof that everyone was there to actually play. I don't know what I was thinking: That people would just pretend? I don't know, but it was an interesting time—interesting enough for me to go back.

Nearly a year later, I've learned how to show up wearing appropriate attire (most of the time), improved my mad volleyball skills, and made some really great friends that life just wouldn't be the same without them in it. I look back on how hard it was to get into the swing of things, and I am thankful my future self persisted in beckoning me toward this adventure.


  1. What a great reminder to find a scene that interests us and have the courage to take the steps to bring us back into the social world. I have not played volleyball in a long time, either. I keep thinking: once my own boys are done with playing sports, I am going to find an adult softball league to join.

    1. By the time your kids are done playing, you might be elderly! Carpe diem!

  2. That's so great! I have been trying to convince my Mum to start up again as she used to play competitively for Australia in her prime. But she is 62 and tells me she would break something if she took it up again.

    1. So cool that your mother played competitively! That part about breaking something is real, but I think there would be some groups of people who go easy, so they all don't break something. Maybe look around to see!

  3. Fun! My middle schoolers are so competitive and focused on being the "best" of things, I think it's great to find examples of folks doing what they love - because they love it. Glad you found your group!

  4. I am so glad you didn't allow yourself to miss out on the fun of the game and making new friends.

  5. This is a reminder that wading in to what you enjoy can reap benefits. Glad this has all worked out so well for you.

  6. I bet you are a beast on the court. Haha love it! Here's my slice just barely on time. Still counts, though! http://joolimammoth.blogspot.com/2017/03/come-shopping-with-me.html

  7. Walking in that first day took courage. Not turning around, walking out and giving up the idea speaks to your character. I would definitely have made excuses for not going at all. If I made it there, I'd have them felt self-conscious and made excuses to leave. I'm not sure I would have made it to actually playing at all.


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