false imprisonment

We trap ourselves, don't we?
With all the boxes and fences,
The walls and

Our minds get stuck somehow
Believing that the only way
To be happy is
Status quo.

Even if it hurts us.
Even when it hurts others.
We just don't learn to take
Care enough.

As we lock ourselves away,
Our hearts and minds
And even our bodies at times, we believe
Our lies.

I'm not hurting anyone. 
I'm happier this way.
I don't need anyone. 
No one cares anyway.

And other such nonsense.

The truth is that love does conquer all—
If we let it.
When we let it.

How much longer will you sentence
How much longer will deprivation be
Your cellmate?

You could have something like
A soulmate
Someone who actually cares.

No hiding.
No lying.
No fake.
Just real.

When will you love yourself enough
To stop building brick and mortar
For your heart?

The judge and jury is you.
The warden is you.
The parole board is you.
The heart waiting to love and be loved—is yours.


  1. I'm not crying- you're crying! Um I love this.

    1. I love that you love this! Thank you for becoming such a devoted reader. It means a lot to me.

  2. So true. We all have something in our lives that we allow to become a prison for us: anxiety, stress, fear, unreasonable expectations for ourselves, etc. I recently had to break out of my own prison. Thanks for so beautifully putting into words the need to become free.


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