homespun love

porch sitting as the sun rises—or sets
with hands held and hearts warmed on high
(visions of a homespun love beset
my waiting, bated heart in need of a home)

simple in its tendency to bring a smile
unsophisticated, plain and simple truth
a love inestimable in worth spanning time
comforting tenderness seasoned with ruth

blanketed with understanding
peppered with sweet wanting
created by two willing hearts
stitched together by each other—for each other

each day spinning, spinning
with purpose and care
always working to be winning
a homespun love, both honest and fair


  1. I really enjoyed this poem. I pictured a porch swing with two lovers enjoying the beautiful sunset after a day of good hard work, enjoying one another and planning for the future. It made me think of an old Judd song called "Lazy Country Evening".


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