
All of the friends I've lost
Make a heap of heartache
That is insurmountable

If I take every one
With all the memories and happy times,
It kills me fresh, anew, like when things broke

No one else is allowed
To misunderstand me or leave
Because I need peace in this heart

I need comfort and love
Like anyone else
Who knows my worth


  1. Your poem fills me with the sadness that is surely evident in your losses. Like you, pieces of me are lost when I lose someone from this life we share. I wish you peace and strong, healthy friends that fill your heart.

  2. I thought of Dionne Warwick's song, "What the world needs now is love, sweet love.. " We all need that peace, comfort, and love you wrote of. Hugs.

    1. I love that song! Thank you for bringing that to mind. It really speaks to me so much.


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