to every teacher

Got word this afternoon that one of my children's past middle school teachers died in a car accident on his way to work today. My first thoughts were for his family and then a huge wave of gratitude came over me.

I remembered a quick conversation at an open house in the fall several years ago when this teacher reassured me that my child would do well in his class, that he'd make sure all went smoothly, and that he was there to help. I remembered the absolute positivity he radiated to me in my distress and worry that another school year would be difficult. I remember now how much of a weight was lifted off of me by his confidence in his abilities to lead and teach my child.

It was such a breath of fresh air at the time. Not that the other teachers weren't helpful, but I distinctly remember how completely sure he made me of my child's success in that class. And he was right. He didn't let us down but was such a support. His guarantee was valid.

Today, I'd like to thank every single teacher out there who gives to their students (and their parents) the morsels of hope, blankets of reassurance, and that fresh air to breathe when students feel suffocated by life. I want to take a moment to recognize that I work at being that kind of teacher too. I'm sure that I am not perfect at this, but I am always striving to help and uplift and keep open the door to true education of the self.

I'm thankful for that teacher who helped my child and me during such a hard time in our lives. His life was cut short, but he made a real difference with his life. I'm thankful for all of you teachers out there who reach out beyond yourselves not even knowing what a difference you're making. 


  1. It is so nice that you remember what that teacher said so explicitly. It is making me think about my back to school night and if I did a good enough job conveying to my students' parents that I was here to make their school year a success and support them however they needed it.

  2. I can only hope that one day a parent of one of my students has such kind words for me....that I really made a difference.

  3. Your post is lifting and full of gratitude. When my husband died, one amazing source of comfort were the posts, letters, texts, and emails from students and parents that Rob taught/knew. I imagine this teacher's family would be grateful to know you were thinking of them and celebrating the teacher.

  4. All I can say is thank you for sharing. This means more than you know!


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