Christmas music

I am exceedingly thankful for Christmas music. I don't care what anyone says about how you're skipping Thanksgiving if you've got the Christmas tunes going before December 1. I don't think there's enough Christmastime if you don't begin edging into it in November—even the beginning of November isn't too soon. Isn't Thanksgiving about gratitude anyway? And am I not grateful for Jesus's birth? Yes, I am. So it is more than appropriate.

So if you're wondering, I am totally listening to Christmas music as I write this. I've been listening to my "Christmas All Day, Every Day" playlist on my phone, and then my "A Purple Christmas" Spotify list has been going in between. It's been such a wonderful beginning to the magic of Christmas. My gratitude for such joy is full right now.

In case you'd like to listen along with me sometimes and see how I mix my Christmas jams, have a listen and follow. I'm still adding to it, so know that it is a work in progress.


  1. My son gave me a subscription to Spotify for Christmas last year. Fully loaded with a Christmas playlist. I may have to check out your purple Christmas! Ho Ho HO!

  2. I LOVE Christmas! I was surprised to see so many Christmas decorations right after Halloween, but I too love to listen to Christmas music. Happy listening!


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