
Not everyone has it. And not everyone has the level I've got. And so, today, I am thankful for energy.

Energy to wake up after only five hours of sleep most nights because of all that is required of me.
Energy to work a full day at a good and even vigorous pace at times.
Energy to listen to the scriptures on audiobook with my daughter to support her study efforts.
Energy to be thoughtful of my daughter needing lunch before band.
Energy to drive home safely from work.
Energy to deep clean the storage area in my basement.
Energy to pack away some books and things that are taking up space.
Energy to begin setting up our Candy Cane Forest outside—and nearly finish.
Energy to drive to pick up my daughter from band practice.
Energy to pack away more books and things that are taking up space.
Energy to care for my daughter with autism who needed extra help.
Energy to read a whole chapter with my little boy.
Energy to worry about things I can't change.
Energy to talk to a friend.
Energy to write this list chronicling how blessed I am to have energy to care for myself and my family each day.


  1. You go girl! I wish I had some of your energy!

  2. Sorry I've been terrible at keeping up on the comments. The amount of energy that you have is astonishing to me. Seriously.

    My post today:


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