Christmas Songs: week one

This Christmas, I want to dedicate a song to each one of my children. The reasoning behind the dedications will be different and as unique as each of them. I hope you enjoy it.

Two things inspired this series. The first is "Feliz Navidad" by José Feliciano, and the second is my little son who is not so little anymore.

When my oldest boy was a little guy, probably around four years old, he was the typical talking toddler who would say things as he heard them—whether it was correct or not. This age is so cute because these little people, who are so sure about what they are saying, come up with the funniest stuff ever! Anyone who has even spent any time around a three- or four-year-old can attest to what I'm saying. It's just the most adorable thing ever when they get going and it's just not quite right.

So about this song and my at-the-time little boy. I was a stay-at-home mom when he was a toddler, so we would go around town running errands often, and while doing so, we typically had the radio on and would sing along to any song we knew. During the Christmas season, it was the same story. I love Christmas music, so we'd crank it up and sing our hearts out.

One day while driving around town, "Feliz Navidad" came on the radio for like the hundredth time. No big deal. Par for the course. I started singing along, and all of a sudden my little buddy busted out singing loud and proud "Police Navidad, Police Navidad . . ." I could hardly contain my laughter. It was the cutest thing I'd ever heard. His singing voice had already given me loads of joy to hear by this age, but then he did that silly fun thing that little children do when learning language, and it was just so adorable! Even though I should have corrected him, so he'd know that it was Spanish for Merry Christmas, I couldn't make myself do it. So my little buddy sang "Police Navidad" for the next couple of Christmases.

Every single time, for the past 13-15 years, when I hear that song, I hear "Police Navidad" and sing it that way when not in the company of strangers. And I share this song today to tell the world that no matter how old that little boy has gotten (and will get), I will always see in him that darling little buddy of mine who mixed up his words and gave me joy I've never forgotten.

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