making an impact

This year has been one for making an impact, and make one, I did. But I'll also add that the happenings throughout the year have made an impact on me. My life is unrecognizable today from January 1, 2017. Many changes that I have chosen and many changes that have been thrust upon me have made an impact on the landscape of daily life.

I've had house guests for five months of the year that I could never have foreseen. Roles in my job have gotten heavy on editing, and I never expected that although it has been a time of growth for me to do so much editing. My oldest son is a working machine, so he's never home, but I'm so proud of him. It's strange to not have him around for family dinners and prayer time at night. We all really miss him a lot of the time. But that's part of the impact of time marching ahead. And it's good. Progress is good.

This coming year has many changes ahead that I can already see. I don't want to go into any of it too much, but significant change will be making its mark on us for sure.

Christmastime has been a real opportunity to make an impact on my surroundings. We've tried to be thoughtful of others and give to charity and see where we can do a little something differently to help others.

Wrapping up 2017, I am glad for the experiences I've had to choose to do something more and really help people. In helping others, I have learned a great deal about what it takes to change lives for the better—including my own. With the word impact guiding my choices this year, I have put my creative powers to the test and found unique ways to serve neighbors, friends, family, and even strangers. It's been a great experiment in stretching my character and finding new opportunities to teach my children about how to effect change in the world around them.

I have no doubt whatsoever that impact was destined to be my word of the year for 2017. I'm grateful I was patient in seeking it out.


  1. I pick a word for the year as well! Mine was create for 2017. I have not done a reflection yet. Thank you for the reminder!
    I did create a lot more this year than years past.

    1. It's amazing how a focus word can help shape an entire year!

  2. If more people thought about the impact they have on the world, could have on the world, think of all we could accomplish for the good of ourselves and others. I can't help but think of the line "we make a living out of what we get. We make a life out of what we give" as I read your last paragraph.


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