word of the year 2018: compassion

In years past, it has taken me some time to find my one little word, or word of the year, by which I place extra focus and measure my personal progress. Last year's search was pathetic! It took so much time as I pondered and sought the word I needed to guide me. Impact was a good word; it served me well, yet it seemed almost stressful to do this exercise of finding a word!

This year is very different. I have felt 2018's word coming on for a couple of months. The actual word would come to mind, and I would think to myself that it would make for a good word of the year, but I didn't want to commit to this word unless it was the one I've been waiting for.

Needless to say, the word has stuck with me.

Compassion is simple yet complex in being understood, easy yet can be difficult to show, and always, always beautiful when executed with full purpose of heart. Throughout this new year, I want to learn more about what compassion looks like and what it takes to truly have it. As I learn more, I want to implement it more. I want to create a permanent place in my perspective and heart where compassion will reside and be actively employed.

In the Unabridged Merriam-Webster Dictionary, compassion is defined as "deep feeling for and understanding of misery or suffering and the concomitant desire to promote its alleviation :  spiritual consciousness of the personal tragedy of another or others and selfless tenderness directed toward it." A couple of phrases stand out to me, "deep feeling for" and "selfless tenderness directed toward," as I consider how I will begin my study of compassion this year. 

By allowing this word to be part of my journey for 2018, it seems as if I'm opening myself up to feel more deeply as I strive to put myself in others' shoes and give of myself. This is how I understand it. As the year goes on, I might share any new understanding or insights I might gather as I take compassion for my companion. 

Here's to a year of loving people better. 

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