
It's almost time for the Slice of Life Story Challenge, and I, once again, do not feel ready to write like that.

The level of change in full effect in my life right now is astonishing. I catch myself stressing out about stressing out and have to calm down. Most everything changing appears to be threaded with positive change, so I'm not very often worried in bad ways. I just don't know where I'm going to end up after this typhoon does its work. I wonder what will my life look like. I wonder where will I be. I wonder where it all will lead me.

I guess everyone has no real clue where everything leads, but man alive, I am seriously wanting for stability.

So where does all this fretting take us? It should show you how stressed out I am about having to write every single day for thirty-one days—in a row. Good grief. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a daily log of how stressed out I am. haha. But I guess I should stop worrying about writing. It's pointless! 


  1. I think I can...is the best phrase I can think of for the Slice. xo

  2. I, too, am worried about this year. I am working on my Master's and writing every day may just be a little difficult on some days. But we will do what we can do and hope for the best!

  3. It's amazing how much "worrying" affects our entire lives. You think you're worried about that "one thing," and yet, you start to notice how that worry manifests itself in other parts of your life. I'm sorry this is stressing you out. Writing is (sometimes) an outlet for me. I hope you find your outlet. Here's to better days ahead!

  4. Even though this will not be my first SOL challenge, I have also had more than a few butterflies about this year as I look at my calendar and everything that's happening during the month. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone:)

  5. Don't fret...remember it's all about a small slice of your day. A paragraph will do. :) And if it's a busy day, just a few sentences.

  6. Potential silver lining: Amid unsettling change, a routine like writing daily might offer some comforting stability. Guess we'll find out in March...

  7. I admire your intention. I don't have it in me to start another new challenge in my life, but it is admirable that you will power through.


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