exam day

I can hardly believe it's been over three years since I began my official teaching journey. And now I have to take my next step and level up.

The timing of this exam coincides well with how my life always has to have at least three to five insanely hard things happening at once. This round, the exam is one of five, so I have been bracing myself. I haven't been able to faithfully study, so while I'm completely busy with other pressing matters, I've been faithfully praying that the studying I have done will be enough.

To my readers, I ask that you think of me and pray that I might pass this exam and be able to continue doing all that is required of me and feel as successful as I ought. I need all the collective strength and energy I can get!


  1. Good luck!
    Sending positive energy your way ...

  2. Good luck! When I go into exams, I always pray for a clear head, so that I can do my best. I will pray that for you too. I hope it goes well for you!

  3. Definitely sending positive energy your way! Best of luck to you!

  4. You got this. Grab that exam by the #2 pencil, keyboard, ETS whatever and teach it who’s boss. Deep breaths and best wishes. Keep us posted on the results.

  5. If I have learned anything in this life, it's that YOU can do anything!! Purple Power!!


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