how will I make it through

I talk about this on or near the last day of Slice of Life almost every single year, so why break tradition.

The thought of writing thirty poems in thirty days causes great stress to my mind. I actually envisioned myself writing about how I would not be participating in National Poetry Month this year. It was frightening. I love poetry. I love writing poetry. People refer to me as poet. So how could possibly not participate?

Life is insane right now. That's how. I have too much on my plate.

However, writing poetry helps me, so I'm going to give it a go. Hopefully, I will have encouragement along the way. Encouragement and inspiration will be essential to pulling it off.

With a glimmer of hope and quite a bit of trepidation, I say farewell to March and Slice of Life and welcome to April and (we can all pray) thirty poems that aren't complete trash.


  1. How exciting to be giving 30 days of poetry a try! :) Best wishes for words that flow smoothly and work out just right! Happy April!

  2. I can’t imagine writing 30 poems. Still, something in me wants to try. Is there a place you link to w/ your poetry? Something similar to TWT’s SOL? I need to write more poetry. Now seems as good a time as any to put myself at risk since I did write a poem this month.

    1. I don't have a place I link to, but I invite others to link to my posts if they'd like. If you hear of a hosting place, let me know!

  3. You're on a roll! Best of luck! And if you don't make it through, that's OK too. :)

    1. You're so right. I need to not worry about it.

  4. Wow! Best of luck on the next writing journey!

  5. I did that one year as SOL ended. It was so much fun... keep it light, have fun...

  6. I've decided to only do Tuesday SOLs and Poetry Fridays for April. I wrote a poem every day in February for a challenge with Laura Shovan and then jumped right into March SOL... 59 days of writing and reading and commenting. I need to do some deep house cleaning... and give my cooking a little bit more attention. Good luck with your 30 poems. You can always "stamp" them as "Draft." That's what I let my students do. In fact, when I got involved in the Feb. poetry challenge, we were told to consider them drafts and the most important thing was we wrote one every day. Here's to meeting up with you on Tuesday SOLs.

  7. If it helps, it's worth it!


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