queen of hearts

This little collage makes me happier than it should.

I'm not quite sure why I feel so comfortable playing at being such a terrible tyrant, but it just feels natural. Helena Bonham-Carter has long been considered one of my doppelgängers, so that's probably the biggest contributor.

The photo on the left is from a few weeks ago, and the one on the right is Halloween 2016 when I got my children to do an Alice in Wonderland theme. The purple eye shadow I chose really stole the show if you ask me. Totally perfected the tone of the outfit. Blue isn't quite enough for such a striking look.

Being able to put myself into the shoes of a book character has some impact too.

One last thing, I will attest to the fact that red is half purple. It is my other power color, and it makes me almost as happy as purple always does.


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