spring break

It's not time for my spring break, but I am looking forward to it in a couple of weeks. Just the thought of having a little less going on provides hope that I'll be able to make it through. With having to wait until after spring break to get my licensure exam results, the countdown is even worse than ever. I think this year I am in pretty close competition with my students for trunkiness. 

That's not even a legitimate word, nevertheless, it needs to be used. I am ready to get to spring break, which leads us to summer! I don't really have any solid plans—like I don't even know what life will be like in the summer—but for some reason I long for it. I'm almost homesick for summer. So trunkiness is just the right word. 

One day at a time, we will get there! It's something to look forward to for sure! 


  1. I love learning new words. The other day I learned "meh" and today "trunkiness." The thought of spring break and knowing that summer will arrive eventually does give a lot of strength.

  2. Oh, I long for spring and even more for summer! Well, I learned a new word via your slice: "trunky" from which I'm assuming you must have created your word "trunkiness." Your slice contained great context clues that supported my inference of its meaning. BTW, I like it's sound when spoken.


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