
The second I begin to plan for the changes I have been anticipating, any part that I have my heart set on gets taken out from under me. So I cannot plan. It's like I have to be entirely unsettled at all times in my life. I cannot plan on anything major. I just have to fly by the seat of my pants forever.

Why? Why does every turn hold a fresh set of uncertainty?

I understand that life is uncertainty, but I know a crap ton of people who are able to make solid plans and even take them through execution and see have a morsel of stability to count on. I can not ever count on plans to happen how I plan.

If you're the praying type, please pray that I'll be able to find stability soon. I need it so much. I need to be able to breathe a little easier.


  1. I think I know what you're saying... it's like you're constantly having to adjust your plans, feel in chaos more often than solid footing? Deep breaths, this won't be forever. You can do this. Thanks for sharing such a personal reflection.

  2. A prayer is being lifted up for you to find the path to stability. Breathing in and out definitely centers the mind & lifts anxiousness. How about trying yoga?


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