sublime light

Somewhere along these lines
I'll find my way
Illumination of a path I need to take
Is what I'm counting on

Bright is the light that shines on me
Keeping me warm on these cold days
Cutting the darkness in half
Opening my world to more

Infiltrated by sunshine
Permeated with hope
A delightful foundation to build on
My vehicle toward the sublime


  1. Lovely, Laura. Such a hope-filled message in your poem today. I love the double meaning of "lines" in your poem ... finding my way along the lines in the photo and finding my way along the lines of the poem.

  2. Opening and infiltrating. Perfect for spring.

  3. The image of light cutting the dark to illuminate the path resonates w/ me as I think about the ways we lose and find our way in life.

  4. Your picture is intriguing as I wasn't quite sure where lines such as this would be found....but in the end it doesn't matter where because intersecting paths - lines - are found everywhere and in all of out lives. I love the idea of trying to find our way through the maze of life.


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