
Actors on a stage in their caked on pancake makeup
And heavily drawn or thinly drawn
(depending on the fashion)
Eyebrows, eyeliner, and lips

Dressed to the nines in jewels and satin
Tailored and suited to the big part in
The newest picture show
In the little town now grown big

Ready to tell a story
Wanting and practicing for the role
Going through the motions
To paint a picture—put on a show

Perfect hair and perfect clothes
The cameraman gets rolling
Stopping and starting over and over again
Only to not actually say a word

We are all silent picture show actors
When we prepare to say nothing
When we act one way but do nothing
We are all pretenders and playactors

Instead, join the circus or the talkies
Be ready to stand in the ring
Front and center


  1. The world is a stage, each of us must play a part.

    1. My comments have been broken off and on, but they are fixed now!

  2. Great reminder to DO something in life. This analogy (or metaphor?) of the silent picture actors works beautifully in your poem.

    1. My comments have been broken off and on, but they are fixed now. Thank you for stopping by!


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