growth mindset

Am I growing growth mindset children? Are my students becoming used to growth mindset type interactions? Or am I affixing them with a fixed mindset that holds them back? Why do I automatically give praise for achievements? Why shouldn't we? Or is it more of a balance issue? Because when you stop to think about it, is it so bad to praise for productivity and success? No. It's good. But maybe in small doses. Not the norm. Telling my children and students the obvious things such as, "I can tell you worked hard" shouldn't feel like a bland compliment. Those are the things that matter. Learning how to work and care and help and try new things are what life is all about. Not everyone can win all the time, and not everyone will be a millionaire. But we can grow up to be decent human beings who understand their worth isn't results driven; it is inherent in their divine heritage as children of God eternally growing into the people we are destined to become. 


  1. Growing decent human beings who learn how to work and care and help and try new things - definitely a worthy goal.

  2. I'd say, at the very least your mindset about growth mindset appears to be growing ;) Thanks for sharing your reflection!


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