writing of books

I've always wanted to be a writer of books, someone who has enough words to share them. And now I am becoming one. The first book, This Phoenix Speaks: Albeit in a Whisper, was a long time coming, but I am closing in on finishing my next one.

What a process it is to collect one's thoughts and words. I began contemplating the idea of my second book before the first was even finished. I had the inspiration tugging at me while writing other things so much so that I was considering focusing on finishing it before This Phoenix Speaks.

Why do whole books call to authors? How do they whisper when they aren't even written yet?

My father's story needs to be told, so my belief is that my ancestors are calling me to make my best attempt at doing it justice. I don't care if anyone thinks I'm silly for believing that either. The experiences that sparked the idea and helped me to continue feeling pushed to keep going are proof enough for me.

After I finish this project, I wonder what the next one will be. It hasn't whispered to me yet, but I fully expect it to soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your project. I know the feeling. I have got whispers of my own to contend with. I will be looking forward to reading it.


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