
So much happened and changed last year that I realize I began being humbled early on. It was too noticeable to avoid actually, but I'll add that it has been a good thing (now that I have a little distance from all the trauma). However, as we got closer to the new year, I had a feeling I needed to wrap my heart around humility further. I kept thinking about the happy side effects of cultivating a more humble attitude and outlook, the calm it brought to my life—after first feeling hurled down a terrifying roller coaster one cannot get off.

Another, very random thought I had when selecting this word was how dull humility sounds as I read about other people's ideas for their one little word/word of the year. So many people I know have action words and fun words and interesting ideas for how to sew their words into their lives. My word is not any of that. It is one of waiting for opportunities to do slow down and listen and pondering the aftermath of my choices and watching for my heart to turn into something new. Putting it that way, I now feel a morsel of excitement. This feels special in a way. I do so want to become a more understanding and loving person, and I believe more humility within myself will help this.

Humility might not be enticing or even exciting in itself, but I'm pretty sure it's what I need to learn and cultivate further in order to have more joy in my life. I hope you'll join me in my journey with this word for 2019.


  1. Your journey with humility should allow for growth. It is a simple word with such depth. Good luck.

    1. I appreciate your comment. It does have depth. Thank you!

  2. So much to learn from our OLWs. I love how you described your journey with these words: " It is one of waiting for opportunities to slow down and listen and pondering the aftermath of my choices and watching for my heart to turn into something new." Truly a significant word when considered in this way. Happy new word!


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