battle axe dreams

Not sure about you, but sometimes, you just need a balloon battle axe to make your day go right.

Yes, it is ineffective at chopping anything up—like, literally, it will chop nothing at all except air. But what it is highly effective at destroying is a bad mood. Maybe that is the key to my son reaching his dreams of being a carnival worker.

Each of my children have gifts and talents that make our family life wonderful. My oldest daughter knows no guile and is so adorably sweet. My oldest son has a real knack for getting people to laugh and smile and make enjoyable, good discussion even on heavy topics. His taste in 70s Rock is trying my patience though. My youngest daughter is able to see when anyone is sad or tired and help out. She's also a really good note writer. These notes I speak of are legendary ever since she could write at all. I've tried to save them all, so she can see what a gift she is. And my youngest, he has lots of talents too, but the one I want to share is his love of balloon art.

This kid told me the other day that when he grows up, he wants to be wealthy. His plan is to "own properties and be a plumber or something useful like that and hire someone to be the CEO of [his] company, so [he] can be a carnival clown and do balloon animals." That's some big goals right there. Not sure how they will all jive together, but to have such uniquely specific goals is something none of my other children have ever voiced to me. And I can't help but hope he achieves them.

I often scroll through my photos and look at that battle axe he made and can't help but hope.


  1. I love his dream, especially that he had everything figured out. He knew that he needed to work hard in something else to do what he really enjoy doing. Have a nice week full of slices of life!

  2. What great career aspirations for a kid! He knows work/life balance from the start. I love the snippets of all your children embedded in this post.

  3. There is nothing better than to listen to our kids dream. I hope when he is grown up, somewhere deep inside, he will listen to his childhood dreams, hold onto them and find some way to incorporate them into his grown up life. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Sounds like a great career to me! I love balloon animals!

  5. Wealthy landowner plumber who works at a carnival for fun? Um, brilliant.


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