feeling lucky

Do you ever look around you and see how lucky you are? Do you ever sit back in awe of how you got where you are?

I do.

There's not really much luck involved in the good things happening for me or anyone really, but I like how "feeling lucky" feels as I write or say it. It makes things not seem so difficult, like the road to get to where you can see the blessings wasn't all that bad.

It's like when you have a baby. You suffer. Dude, I suffered. Preterm labor, weight gain transforming everything, pain, hunger, sacrifice. And then when that baby is born healthy and strong, you feel lucky. So lucky.

It's like when you find love again after a terrible break up or divorce. You suffer. Man alive, did I suffer. Solitude, poverty, worry for the future, sacrifice. So much sacrifice. And then when that kaleidoscope of butterflies works its way into your chest, you feel lucky. So very lucky.

Luck is more like blessings when you've worked hard to keep trying and not give up. Luck looks like the sacrifice of making room for what you need. Luck is in between the lines of all the silenced fears I hope to turn away from. No matter how things turn out, in the end, I know it will be alright.

I am feeling lucky.


  1. Smiles.... love the rhythm and message of this post. Feeling lucky and filled with gratitude.

  2. Sweet post, and finding gratitude is really the luckiest thing of all. You nail it here. Jim Burke has his high schoolers write "I Am —" paragraphs. When I model the approach with my students, I usually choose "lucky," because, like YOU, I am.

  3. You got me thinking. To stop and look behind at the path one has walked. It's enough to make one feel lucky.

    1. It's in that looking back, right? It helps so much. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. This is my favorite post you've ever written.


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