how did I survive slice of life?

I made it. And how did I make it? I wrote this last post and a few others a few days early to get drafts typed. I will have had a surgery on my hand, and it shouldn't be too bad, but I worried I wouldn't be able to write. So I am writing a tad early and setting it to post after a few pecked out edits.

I want to say how thankful I am to have made it to the end even if I had to figure out a way to get it done extra creatively. I love to write, and I love the Slice of Life Story Challenge even if I worry and complain about it for a couple months leading up to it. I've written some of my most tender pieces during the challenge over these several years, and I believe it is not on accident. I believe the pressure of daily writing, the exercise of daily writing, and the discipline of daily writing all work together to get my heart and mind working together to write well.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading along as I write. I am thankful for every single comment. I need feedback some days. I probably would have given up a long time ago if I hadn't been able to round up some readership early on. It means the world to me that I have you all. The support is invaluable.

I'll still be around, writing on Tuesdays. And other days too. I like to write; I was just forgetting myself for a bit.


  1. Hope your recovery is quick and easy. I, too, forgot that I was forgetting myself.

  2. There is lot of joy in completing the task, especially with obstacles on the way. Wishing you good recovery. See you on Tuesdays!

  3. Congratulations on completing 31 days of slicing! Best wishes that your hand procedure goes well and your recovery goes by quickly.

  4. Congratulations for making it through despite the obstacles. Yes March is a challenge that brings out the best - and as you noted the most vulnerable at times - of our selves!

  5. Speedy recovery! I will miss checking my email for comments from readers! I think I became addicted :)

  6. I hope you have a speedy recovery and are back to writing soon. I've enjoyed your stories thought I may not have commented every time. :)


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